If you are one of the people who prefer to use your Iphone or Ipad to send to cut any design in cricut design space, surely you have asked how to install and use the rhinestone font. Also you could be interested in these others tutorial1, tutorial2.
Steps for to install a rhinestone font in your Iphone or Ipad
- Install these two free apps: iZip and iFont
- Download the folder with the font that you want to install.
- Open the previous folder in iZip app and select the unzip option.
- Clic on the file unziped (.ttf font).
- Select open in iZip.
- Search the name of the font in iZip app and clic on install option.
- Open the setting app in your Iphone or Ipad and clic on GENERAL /profiles
- Select the font and clic on Install option, after write your password and clic again on install option.
- Now open Cricut design space select the font previously installed (you can see it in the system tab), write the text and adjust the font size according to the indications that appear in the product description.
- Below is a video tutorial where you can see in more detail each of the steps.