Category Archives: Cutting and Crafting

Here in Cutting and Crafting you will find everything related to cutting machines, business ideas you can do with them, step by step tutorials showing images to facilitate understanding. Also you will learn all the necessary tools to take advantage of your creativity

News and latest trends you should know about cutting machines and how to apply them to the world of craft. If you like handicrafts here you can get the most out of it. Endless resources are waiting for you. Go!

Engrave tumbler with Citristrip

Engrave tumbler with citristrip

Engrave tumbler with Citristrip! An amazing project to customize tumblers without using a laser! This is an amazing project to personalize tumblers in a different way. It is similar to the etching glass technique, but on powder coated tumblers. Citristrip gel is the star of this technique, and it’s dishwasher safe! The Citristrip is the […]

Spiral Betty to create rhinestone designs with Cricut

Spiral Betty to create rhinestone designs with Cricut

Convert images into spirals or dots for rhinestone designs using Spiral Betty and a Cricut! With SpiralBetty it is possible to convert any image into spirals and dots to create a rhinestone design and add it to a t-shirt, a canvas, or a frame. The whole process is completely free, but be aware that to […]