Download free Rhinestone Savage Classy Bougie Ratchet, formats SVG, EPS, DXF, PLT, Studio3 and PNG mockup, so you can see how this will look on your garment.
Important: This design is for personal use, if you want sell physicals products using this design, then purchase here: LINK
If you have a cutting machine like: cricut, silhouette, GCC, etc. you can cut this template on a rhinestone flocky sheet, for this case you will need to cut two templates, because is a template for each color, however you can cut the whole design in one template and use only one rhinestone color.
Savage classy bougie and ratchet design, is for use rhinestone ss10, but you can resize it if you want to use other rhinestone size ( ss6, ss16, ss20) so you will get a bigger or smaller template. You can see this video tutorial.
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