The LOL doll, are trend today! it is very likely that some of your customers have asked you for a personalized t-shirt with one of these striking dolls.
So here is a written tutorial plus a video, which you will find at the end of this post, indicating how to convert any LOL doll to svg + free LOL foxy SVG.
Also this tutorial can be applied in the conversion of any image to svg.
It’s very easy to follow, the trick is to search in google for coloring page.
The advantage of trace these LOL or any other image, is that you can change the colors to your liking.
Additional you can expand or reduce the size of the image without losing resolution, so if you print in a home printer, a svg on a copy paper, the quality of the image obtained will be very good.
Steps to convert a LOL surprise doll to svg.
- 1. Go to this website
- 2. Open the LOL that you want to convert and copy the image (right clic over the image and select copy).
- 3. Open inkscape software and right clic on the work area, then select paste.
- 4. Select the image and open in menu PATH / Trace bitmap after clic in OK, you’ll get a svg image. Now you can delete the original image
- 5. Double clic on the image traced and delete the parts that you don´t want.
- 6. Choose a color from the lower inkscape color bar and after Choose of the left lateral menu, the option “fill bounded area” (water drop icon)
- 7. Click on the area of the drawing you want to fill with the color you have selected
- 8. Repeat the steps 6 and 7 until the image is completely colored.
- 9. Menu / file/ save as / svg file.
To download this file is necessary a password that will only receive if you are subscribed to the facebook Group. The password will be changed every month.

Hey I would like to know If you sell the svg of the Lol surprise doll
You can download it subscribing to our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/3204394239786732/?source_id=425861137940823 or our newsletter https://bgartdesigner.com/enewsletter-sign-up/
Just found this tutorial. It was extremely helpful. Thanks!
I am glad you like it